Bumper jute production likely in Madaripur

Daily Sun, 28 July 2012

Madaripur: Farmers of the district are expecting bumper production of jute during the current season.

Officials of the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) said favourable climatic condition and luxuriant growth of jute plants have made the farmers hopeful of achieving bumper production.

A scheme has been taken up to bring the 21,809 hectares of land under jute cultivation in the district in the current season with an output target of 2,38,823 bales of jute.

The DAE officials said early rain and favourable climate have encouraged the farmers to bring more land under jute cultivation this year.

The officials said they have ensued supply of quality seeds among the farmers at reasonable prices to make the scheme a success. —UNB

One Comment to “Bumper jute production likely in Madaripur”

  1. Generally , Acreage under jute cultivation fell 8 per cent to 700,000 hectares in the current season from the previous season’s 760,000 hectares,

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