Garment owners to clear salaries, bonus of workers before Eid

Financial Express 27 July 2012

Garment manufacturers have agreed to clear salaries, festival bonus and other financial benefits of the workers before the upcoming Eid-ul Fitr to avoid any unrest of labours.

The apparel makers made the assurance during a meeting at the Home Ministry Thursday where high-ups of the labour and home ministries and representatives from workers’ groups in the garment industry were also present.

Home Minister Sahara Khatun presided over the meeting arranged by the Cabinet Committee on Law and Order to find way outs to avoid possible unrest in the RMG sector and traffic congestion before the biggest religious festival of Muslims.

The country’s highest foreign currency earners also assured the minister that they will take immediate measures so that no factory would be shut or no incident of worker termination take place during the happy occasion.

After emerging from the meeting, president of Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) Shafiul Islam Mohiuddin told the reporters that all kinds of payments, including wage and festival bonus, will be paid within a stipulated time.

“We’ve already instructed all the factory owners regarding the matter to ensure smooth law and order situation in the apparel industrial hubs,” he said.

President of the country’s apex apparel body also sought intervention of the minister to keep the commercial banks open on the holidays as well as a day before the Eid festival.

International secretary of Jatiyo Sramik Federation Bangladesh Quamrul Ahsan, who took part in the meeting, told the FE that the manufacturers promised to clear the workers’ salary before August 15.

“Festival allowances and other financial benefits like overtime bills to be paid within August 18 to ensure peaceful Eid celebration by workers,” he added.

Sahara Khatun ordered the industrial police force to step up its vigilance at the apparel industrial parks to stem any possible incident of violence.

Director General of Industrial Police Abdus Salam said they have called upon the owners to stay at the factory office during Ramadan so that they can instantly communicate with them if there is any possibility of unrest.

The parliamentary committee also decided to open one or more control rooms comprising representatives of the police, transport workers, fire brigade, Titas Gas, power department and the Ministry of Labour to ensure smooth traffic movements on the highways.

State Minister for Home Shamsul Haque Tuku, Home senior secretary CQK Mustaq Ahmed, governing representatives of BGMEA and BKMEA, senior police and intelligence officials were also present at the meeting.


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