No declaration needed to remit up to $5,000

The Daily star, Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Expatriate Bangladeshis now can bring home $5,000 without any declaration, according to a circular issued by the central bank on Sunday. Earlier the amount was $2,000.

A Bangladesh Bank high official said the step has been taken to make the process of sending remittances easier. It is expected that the move will increase remittance inflow, he said.

Bangladeshi citizens engaged in service and business abroad, except workers, will have to fill in a specified form to bring the money home through banks or carry cash in person through airports.

As the workers go abroad on work permit, they do not need to make any declaration.

The official said, in the form one had to provide various personal information like how the money was earned, to whom the amount would be sent and so on.

Many send money home through various informal channels to avoid hassles, he said.

The new move will increase the use of legal means for sending money home, he said.

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